Sunday, October 01, 2006

My Travelogue

October 1 2006. Started a blog so that i could write down my thoughts and safekeep them. To start of, would like to say that I jus got my class 3 license. Woohoo, after maybe more than 7 mths in the doldrums at SSDC, the slip of paper was a just reward for all the hard work i had devoted (27 Oct 06). Since then, I have driven twice with positive outcomes. Hopefully mum will give me the keys soon. Hahah.

You might wonder why i had Ernest Rutherford all over my title. He is a breakthrough physicist of his time. He received the nobel prize for investigations into the disintegration of elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances. He did this by being tenacious and open minded. He was devoted to his work and would go the extra mile to accomplish whatever he set out to do. And i would really like to be like him, to grow in girth and mentality everyday. Hence the title of my blog.

With appreciation from Bill Bryson for providing me his brief biography and quote. His book "A Short History of Nearly Everything" is a fabulous one which provides insight and knowledge into many fields of science. Recommended to all science geeks out there.

ORD soon fellow friends. 4mths and 1 week.

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